To Calculate carbon emissions for the company
The company needs to collect data for electricity use:
This includes the total kilowatt hours of electricity used and its bill.
Data for Natural Gas use
This includes how much amount of natural gas is used in the bill receipt.
Bill of Water Supply
Amount of water supply in cubic meters from water bill.
Bill of fuel used for transportation
Transportation data will come under two things. Transportation is used for business purposes like materials or goods transportation and transportation for company or business employees travel.
The higher the quality of your data, the more precise your emissions measurement. If you keep track of your data consumption in a spreadsheet, you may record and update the information on a regular basis.
Data Conversion into Emission Factor
For the calculation of carbon emission, we need to convert your company electricity consumption data into ‘Green House Gas Emission’ means
Data x Emission Factor = Green House Gas Emission
There are various online calculators for carbon emissions available. Where you can calculate with their paid or unpaid versions.
For instance,
Gather information from your annual electricity bills.
Check your electricity bills issued by the State Electricity Board and look for how much power unit electricity your factory has consumed. (one unit = 1KWh of electricity in India)
Take the monthly consumption units and multiply them by 12. (No of months in a year).
Formula: Input value (in KWh/Yr) X 0.85 (Emission Factor) = Output value in (Kg of CO2)
To decide the overall carbon footprint in tonnes of CO2, divide the final amount (Final outcome by the above formula) by 1000.
Tons of CO2 should be used to measure the final carbon footprint (tCO2.).
(This formula was given by International Organization for Standardization (ISO14064 for GHG emission)
Use Carbon Emission Data to reduce your Carbon Footprints
These calculations will help to lower carbon emissions and cut your bills. Also constant updation of yearly or monthly of this data can help you for a long period of time.